Monday 9 May 2011

A walk along the pond boulevard.

These three weekend days were very relaxing and boring at the same time. You know, sometimes you are so tired that you need to stay home, read books, watch movies and drink tea from a big mug. I spent two days at home and then my lovely red-haired friend proposed to go to a pub! I love pubs, and I adore сider! Interesting conversation and tasty cider brought me back to good condition and today I went out for a walk with my friend who is making at least a half of all pictures you can see in my blog! I wore one of my favourite things - the light blue skirt from Matthew Williamson for H&M collection. It was bought in Tokyo in 2009. It was a shopping day in Ginza with Ksenya, Karina and Lidia. We also made "puricura" pictures that day! I guess we spent a big part of our scolarship that day)) The Matthew Williamson for H&M collection is definitely my favourite from all collaborations. 

Near the pond there is a cafe I like very much. It is called "Bratya Karavaevi". It is tasty and prices are very friendly, which is not usual for our super expensive city. I had a wonderful bright orange eclair with sea-buckthorn. Very unusual. 

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